Flower Designs
a bunch of flowery templates

Floral Funeral Booklets

Flowers play an important role in the funeral rites of every major religion. Their use is believed to date back to ancient times, with evidence that our ancestors decorated their loved ones with flowers before they said goodbye, perhaps as a gift to take into the afterlife, perhaps as a symbol of the fundamental connection between life and death.

Today, the laying of flowers as a mark of respect for the deceased is a tradition that holds as strong as ever. In recognition of the close association between memorial ceremonies and flowers, we offer a choice of floral designs across our entire funeral stationery range - for order of service booklets, announcement cards, books of condolence and thank you cards.

Our flower templates have been carefully chosen to add a touch of colour to your funeral stationery without detracting from the solemnity of the occasion. Professionally executed using the latest high fidelity reproduction techniques, we promise a quality of product that reflects how important paying their respects in the right way is to our customers.

For our funeral booklets and books of condolence, we use a flower image as the background of the front cover, with customisable text and a box to upload a photograph superimposed over. The inner pages of our booklets are a pastel shade in keeping with the front cover palette, in the memorial books they are white. Announcement cards and thank you cards come as a single-sided sheet, with the floral image again used as a background to the main text and image.